Eliminators Redemption Rounds Round of 16 Round of 8
Lemmings vs Grimlock vs Pallas

Offcut vs Pizza Time vs Aftershock mk1

Triceratops vs Couch Potato 2XL vs Yippee-ki-yote!

Dragon vs Son of Scööp vs Exabyte

Westminster Warrior vs Magnum vs Drive by

Smell of Napalm vs Bread Dead Redemption vs Hamish the Highland Coo

FeatherDozer vs Tadpole vs BB8

Meteorite vs Airwave vs Day & Night

Grimlock vs Airwave

Pizza Time vs BB8

Couch Potato 2XL vs Smell of Napalm

Exabyte vs Magnum

Westminster Warrior vs Son of Scööp

Hamish the Highland Coo vs Yippee-ki-yote!

FeatherDozer vs Offcut

Day & Night vs Pallas

Lemmings vs Day & Night

Aftershock mk1 vs Offcut

Triceratops vs Hamish the Highland Coo

Dragon vs Westminster Warrior

Drive by vs Magnum

Bread Dead Redemption vs Smell of Napalm

Tadpole vs Pizza Time

Meteorite vs Airwave

Day & Night vs Aftershock mk1

Hamish the Highland Coo vs Westminster Warrior

Drive by vs Bread Dead Redemption

Tadpole vs Airwave

Grand Final
Grand Final - Semi Finals Grand Final Battles
Aftershock mk1 vs Hamish the Highland Coo

Drive by vs Airwave

Aftershock mk1 vs Drive by


Hamish the Highland Coo vs Airwave