Fight Night
3 Robots In A Trench Coat vs Babróg
Bubblegum Lift vs Baby Dead Bod
Limiting Factor vs Helios
Ray vs Dolos
Medusa vs Percussive Maintenance XL
Doctor Sweep vs The Barber Surgeon
T.B.D vs Nezumi
Just a wee Slice vs Dearc
Ultros vs BulletPoint Onryō
Arcticfurno vs Procrastination
Leviathan vs Speeny
Daisy (the Cow) vs Prototype
Exposure vs BITB Crew
Sabretooth vs Shenaniganizer
BulletPoint Onryō vs T.B.D
Exposure vs Ultros
Prototype vs BITB Crew
Sabretooth vs The Barber Surgeon
Leviathan vs Shenaniganizer
Percussive Maintenance XL vs Helios
Speeny vs 3 Robots In A Trench Coat
Dearc vs Babróg
Dolos vs Bubblegum Lift
Nezumi vs Baby Dead Bod
Limiting Factor vs Medusa
Ray vs Procrastination
Just a wee Slice vs Arcticfurno
Doctor Sweep vs Daisy (the Cow)
Speeny vs Exposure
Babróg vs Medusa
Daisy (the Cow) vs Ray
Ultros vs Leviathan
Limiting Factor vs Dearc
Procrastination vs Bubblegum Lift
Baby Dead Bod vs 3 Robots In A Trench Coat
Doctor Sweep vs Shenaniganizer
Just a wee Slice vs Percussive Maintenance XL
Dolos vs BITB Crew
Helios vs Sabretooth
The Barber Surgeon vs T.B.D
BulletPoint Onryō vs Prototype
Arcticfurno vs Nezumi
Babróg vs Daisy (the Cow)
Just a wee Slice vs Bubblegum Lift
3 Robots In A Trench Coat vs Arcticfurno
The Barber Surgeon vs Ray
Speeny vs Prototype
Exposure vs Limiting Factor
T.B.D vs Percussive Maintenance XL
Dolos vs Shenaniganizer
Babróg vs Just a wee Slice
3 Robots In A Trench Coat vs Ray
Prototype vs Limiting Factor
Percussive Maintenance XL vs Dolos
Babróg vs Ray
Prototype vs Dolos
Babróg vs Prototype

Ray vs Dolos